Thursday, July 12, 2012

almost done

The packers and truck drivers are gone. Now I am left with a filthy house to clean. This has been a night mare of a move. This part is nearly done. I will be back in Dragons arms soon! Just one more night!


  1. It's easier to clean an empty house. Knowing that you will be back with Dragon soon will make it go easier.

  2. I agree with Sunny- easier to clean and empty house- clean like the wind!

  3. You can make it! I am apart from my husband until Sat. and I keep saying the same thing to myself:)

  4. I have a friend, whose husband is a contractor. I told her that she moves more than anyone I ever met or heard of. He builds the house. They move in it when it's basically a shell. Fix it to perfect and then sale it, and move to an apartment until the next one is ready to move in. She says the nice thing is, that they don't accumulate a lot of stuff. I would just roll up into a fetal position and cry "I can't" if I had to move out of this house after 30 years. I wish you all the best in your move. Try not to injure yourself doing too much at once. God Bless you with everything wonderful in your new place, Belle L

  5. Moving SUCKS! I am surrounding you with cleaning mojo!
