Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Dragon is snoring and I didn’t get my needed stress relief.   This is a no spanking night.

I am recovering from the worst asthma attack I have had in over a year.  Six.  Yes you read that right SIX hits of albuterol latter, I am shaking like a meth addict but breathing easier.

Here is hoping I don’t loose my temper tomorrow.  Fingers crossed and the paddles are right by the bed.  Lined up and ready for him to use.  I’m worried.

Asthma sucks.


  1. Yes asthma sucks! My youngest child has it and has been hospitalised a few times and this cold weather is one of her triggers :( 10puffs of salbutamol every 2hrs and steroids later..... what an amount of medicine to give to a young child, but it's a must isn't it. Her preventative medicines she takes twice a day seem (touch wood) to be keeping it at bay and I'm hoping she grows out of it because I have never felt fear like it in my life when she gets ill.
    I hope you feel better soon, I know how debilitating it can be.

    Dee x

  2. Oh wow, I'm sorry. I'll be thinking of you today. You can do it...and he'll be understanding...I hope. :)

  3. Dee the normal dose of albuterol is 2 puffs every four hours. I took way too much but didn't have to go to the emergency department. I feel better this morning but will have to take it easy for a few days.

    Susie, he does understand but it won't save my butt if I mess up.

  4. WOW,morning stress relief? That is a change. He left for work late just to make sure he got his swats in.

  5. Aww, I am sorry about last night, but he left late...what a hero!:)

