Friday, June 15, 2012


Laughter is the best medicine of all.   It cures nervousness, chases away sadness and demolishes a bad mood.   When times get tuff, we get silly.  Here is a silly little song me and my oldest daughter came up with in a moment of pure goofyness.

No offence intended please.  We are both blessed in the boobage department!   A little too blessed maybe? My girls are racing to my knees and Amber had just noticed a little sag on her youthful chest.

What did we do about our sad situation?

Yep....   We sang a song!

Do your boobs hang low?
Do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie them in a knot?
Can you tie them in a bow?
Can you throw them over your shoulder
like a Continental soldier!
Do your boobs hang low?

See?  I told you it was a silly song.

Yes, you are allowed to feel sorry for my husband and son in a house full of girls.

Poor things.  They were totally scandalized.

Packing is coming along.  One room at a time.  We worked in the garage today and I helped the girls some in their room.  The bathroom needs to be painted and the porch rails need a coat of paint.  Those two jobs will be a team effort.  We figured out why the tail lights don't work when we hook it up to my daughters truck.  A broken wire!  That is fixed.  Now we can travel at night if we need to.  The small kennel is fixed.  The top rotted and needed to be replaced.  So I made a new top for it.  No jumping out of it now!

I need to make a list of things to do.  Things like calling the doctor to get a copy of our medical records.  Don't want to do that but we need to.  My first appointment when we get settled into our new home is the allergist.  Gotta keep the asthma and allergies under control!

Have you watched the movie Tangled?  The star runs away from her tower and is torn by her decision.  One moment she is trilled and the next crying bitter tears.  That is me right now.  I want to stay but I want to be in the south too.  I miss being close to family.  I miss the beach.

This move is bitter sweet for sure.

Pass a tissue please?  I need it.


  1. Here's the tissue. Laughter is indeed the best medicine and just keep moving through the list and being positive about the move. It's always difficult leaving friends and a place that's familiar for a place that is an unknown quotient. All will be fine - just give it time.

    1. Sniff, thanks for the tissue! It will take time. In a year, I won't know what I was so worried about.

      It looks like "Do your Ears Hang Low" calls to aging women with sagging boobage. LOL Dragon found a cartoon on youtube where someone else changed ears to boobs. It was funny!

  2. Silliness is the best medicine. Transitions are always tough but being close to family will hopefully give you all some great benefits. Good luck with everything.

    1. It will be great being close to family again. My family will be far enough away for me to visit but too far for them to drive. Love it!

  3. Silliness always works wonders! And smiling. I actually smile when I am uncomfortable. Took my DH a few years, but he understands now...

    1. Julia, that is funny. I smile when I am uncomfortable too. People don't understand it is a mask to hide the fear. They think I am actually happy! A social worker told me once that is because I was abused for so long. A defense. I don't know. It isn't something I can control. I don't even realize I am doing it. My Dragon tells me that it is very different from my happy smile. It took him a while to understand it too.

  4. Thanks - I needed that laugh & laugh I did - quite out loud!

  5. Nice song! Lol! I know how you feel. I should write a song about how all my food spills on my top half!

    1. I think my boobs get hungry. They have a strange attraction for what ever I am eating.
