Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Good and the Sad

My daughter is visiting from out of state. Christmas is almost here, Dragon gets TWO days off this week.  The Good things.

Then there is the funeral. Overwhelming grief and feeling helpless to comfort his wife.  Extended family and all the problems they bring.

No kinky fun.  No spanko.  No stress relief.

It is simple

A tiny baby born long ago. 10 tiny fingers.  10 cute little toes.  Born in a barn but lives to save us all.

Faith is the only thing keeping me going.  Knowing that my uncle is in heaven.  Knowing that on the same week as his funeral, we celebrate a  very special birth. The baby that gives me hope.  The baby that saved him a place in heaven.


  1. Hang on to that faith sweet Rose. Sending prayers and healing energy for you, Dragon and your family.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

  2. Amen! {and hugs; I visited a dying friend yesterday}
