Sunday, June 25, 2017

Crime and Punishment

Our rules are simple and cover EVERYTHING!  But that's why they are so common in DD relationships.  The 4 Ds of discipline.

Dishonesty- don't lie, not even by omission
Disrespect- be respectful and not just to him
Dangerous- seatbelt!!!!
Disobedience-  so much falls under this rule

Dragon hates punishing me but he also believes that the punishment should fit the crime.

Dishonesty-    usually I lie about food.  I go anna and start skipping meals.  Not a big deal until I make myself sick.  For a few weeks I get reminder swats in the morning.  That is enough to make me eat.  I really don't like punishment spankings.

Seatbelt use.  It is really just me being forgetful but he calls it disrespect, dangerous and disobedience.  He lets it slide sometimes but if he has to remind me to often that spanking isn't fun.  I feel the effects for a week and don't forget my seatbelt for a long time.

Swearing falls under disrespect and disobedience.  Add in dishonesty too because I tend to deny the crime.  I'm very happy he isn't into mouth soaping.  Figging and the paddles come out for this one.
Sometimes he will surprise me with a punishment.  It violates one of the 4 basic rules but I just didn't think about it.  He usually just gives me a warning but sometimes he wants to get to the seat of the problem.

If I confess something but he doesn't consider it anything major Dragon will ask if I need a spanking for it. If I say yes he will ask what kind.  It doesn't really matter what I say though. He gives me what I need.  Anything from a gentle reminder to a barn burner.  He decides.

My Dragon is always fair.  Sometimes I disagree with a punishment but after the spanking I change my mind and apologize. He is starting to get more creative with consequences.  Corner time is now an option. Clothing restrictions and silent punishment.  Not pleasant, I can tell you!

It is what it is.  I am Taken in Hand by my Head of Household.  The way we do it doesn't have to even resemble what anyone else is doing.  It is about relationship and what works for the couple involved. It took me a while to figure that out.


  1. How true, what works for one couple will not do for another! :)

    1. Absolutely. At first I envied the women with strict, discipline happy husbands but I realized that my Dragon is just what I needed
