Tuesday, October 14, 2014

His Hands... again

After a warm bubble bath,  Dragon's magic hands went to work.  His focus was just a small area of my body but he used his hands to great effect.  No demands for sex.  He wanted only to bring me pleasure. A reward for my last post.  We both settled down to sleep but I had other ideas.

In each others arms after all the fireworks, I thought, "wouldn't it be nice to do that with that nasty condom?"

We are going to try once again.  I kept up with NFP for years on my own but I just can't get motivated to do it alone.  He has agreed to take a more active role.  We will see how that works out.

New glass basal thermometer and all the knowledge we already have.  We will start with oral temps but I don't have my hopes up that it will work. My mouth is to dry in the mornings.  Vaginal isn't even uncomfortable and not embarrassing at all when Dragon is using those magic hands.

We will chart on paper and on the phone app to see if the two agree.  I don't trust a program that doesn't have human judgment.  Maybe eventually but not now. I don't wanna baby and I have to be absolutely confident that it is a safe day.

A little work with huge rewards.


  1. So very happy for you Rose...good luck with your charting. Wishing you a repeat performance...soon! ;)

    Hugs and Blessings...

  2. Best of thoughts to you and Dragon,
