Saturday, June 15, 2013

Exersize (OT not DD related)

WOW today sure did kick my tail.  Today is day two of running.  Ok, more of a walk/run kinda thing.  Okay.  More walk than run.

Take a moment to consider that in November I was struggling to make it to the mail box to check the mail at a slow walk.  Now I know I can walk 5 miles and a good pace.   Right on track for the Komen event I am registered for and WAS raising money for.  Until I did a little more digging.  The CEO of the company just got a huge raise.  68% even while support for the charity is dropping.  7 walks have been canceled for next year.  These are major events and she is making over half a million dollars?

Yep, I pulled my support and stopped fundraising for them.  I just can't contribute to her paycheck.   Not when we are struggling to make our own ends meet.

What now?  The first goal was the Komen 3 Day.  That isn't going to happen.   Now I move on to step 2.  Run a  5k. A friend put a call out looking for team members for a fun run in the fall.  Not a race.  No winners, even mall walkers welcome.  All fitness levels.  The goal is FUN and Fitness.

I can do that!

So now I am working on running.  Step 3 after all is a half marathon.  I have a running path laid out.  A lap is .25 of a mile.  My starting point is run one, walk two.  Well.  I can't run that far yet.  It is a goal after all.  I am using land marks on the street as goals, breaking it up into smaller bites.  Kinda pathetic right now but improving already.  I have only been at it one week and I can already do more!  Yippee! ! !

Failure is failing to try.

I am running, just not very fast or very far right now.  But I am trying!  I am sleeping better at night but really don't have much energy left during the day.  That will change with time.  That mid day nap is now a necessity. I can't keep my eyes open.  I have lost some fat.  Dragon tells me hat my hips and waist are noticeably smaller.  No scales.  Not even looking at the tape measure unless I am sewing.   I want to be healthy, not a number.

Ps, Dragon said that I will run and he is even going to take the day off work to be there!  He said that he has missed too much over the years and he will be there for me.  Love my Dragon just a little.


  1. Good for you. I hope you are proud of yourself. If not, you should be. I'm proud for you.
    Good Luck, girl.

    1. Thank you sunny. One step at a time. I feel like a charging hoppo but that will only charge with lots of work

  2. Wow! That's awesome!
    I'm just now doing hard up hill walks with a couple girlfriends - every little bit counts, right? But you've been making great strides - good job!
    :) Cali

    1. I still walk most of the way but I am pushing hard. Keep walking! Moving is a step in the right direction.

  3. No matter how little, progress is still progress!! Coming from someone who was in your shoes, I am so proud of you. I hope you are too! Keep it up. When you get discouraged or fall off take a SMALL amount of time and then get going again. You are awesome. You can do it!!!

    Ps I would LOVE to run with you.


    1. I will message you when I get to my computer. This phone drives me crazy. I was discouraged until I realized that I cut my time in half. And I did that day one of running. 3 miles takes me about 45 minutes. That is down from almost 2 hours. :-) thank you!!!!

  4. You are doing great Rose...each step is progress. So very proud of you. Sending lots of positive energy your way.

    Hugs and Blessings,

    1. I put my jeans on this morning and noticed some wiggle room!! Now that makes me smile. Thank you :)

  5. Failure is failing to try
    That is a perfect message, Rose. In all things, I have always seen you as strong, determined and no-nonsense, all traits I admire. You will succeed because that is who you are. I'm proud to know you and consider you a friend.

    His China Doll

    (PS - would you mind to message me, I have a question about PTSD - thanks!)

    1. I can't get your email link to work for me so I will give you mine.


      Thank you for your kind words. Some days it is all I can do to put one foot in front of the other. I was tempted to skip my run this morning but your message was just the encouragement I needed to lace up and get out there. :-)
