Tuesday, October 9, 2012

When Money is Short

I put on my thinking cap.

I walked my treadmill to death.  Yes, it got used.  I can't tell you how many miles I walked on that thing.  Then I taught my dogs how to walk on it and the kids started using it too.  The stories that old treadmill could tell if it could only talk.  10 minutes up to 2 hours of continuous use.  1 mile to almost 10 at a time.

After we moved it Idaho I finally had to admit it was worn out and past all usefulness.  Unfortunately, we haven't had the money to replace it with a decent quality machine.  When the weather was good, I walked our little community.  My face was well known on every block.  My shoes wore a path in the dirt beside the road.  Every dog and cat knew I carried yummy treats in a little bag I carried over my shoulder.

Now we live by a major highway.  No treadmill, no safe place to walk outside.

What to do?  I need to move and that little Wii board just doesn't get the job done.  It isn't high enough to get a good workout.  No more than stepping forwards and backwards over and over.  Boring, repetitive aerobics.

Dragon built me a step.  It is about 5 inches tall and is the size of the Wii board box.  I can use it with the radio just like I did the treadmill.  Stepping up and down in different combinations.  I can use the weight vest or hand weights when I find then in the many boxes still left to unpack.  It can be used with the Wii board for the fitness program to get a better workout.

I like it.

I kept my time sort this morning.  Just 5 minutes.  Stretching first and then a short work out.  No overdoing it the first day.  I could have probable gotten away with 10 minutes but I rather take it slow at first.  I'll add 5 minutes a week until I get up to 30 minutes at a time.  That is the most I have time for.

A small step made out of scrap lumber.  Cost?  A box of screws and one broken drill bit.  Not bad for a very useful piece of fitness equipment.  How much do those steps cost at the sports store?  How much does a treadmill cost?  Much more than we spent.


  1. Congrats for finding an inexpensive way to get a piece of fitness equipment.


    1. Hey it works. With Christmas coming up I don't have a penny to spare!

  2. Replies
    1. I can almost feel the fat melting off already! I need to remember to take my time with it and work up slowly though.

  3. I just finally gave in, and spend a fortune on running shoes. And then I drive to an area I like and walk there, because we live close to a busy street, and out street has like the little gutter on the side, which hurts my leg.
    Taking it slow but steady is the way to go!

    1. That is great! I wish I could go walking. I found a very nice place to go but no transportation. My little step will have to work for now. Kinda boring but it works.

  4. That sounds like ingenuity at it's best!

  5. Way to take initiative, good for you. That should work just fine.

    1. I'll get there one step at a time. Ooops almost forgot! Dragon wanted me to have corset time today. I better get it on!
