Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Last night was hard. I have four kids and two of them have allergies and asthma like their mom. All three of us had a bad reaction to our supper. No idea yet what caused it. Hives, asthma attack, itchy throat and tongue, puffy lips. Oh joy. Talk about changing plans. It went from a nice family evening to dealing with a crisis in a hurry. We didn’t have to use the epi pens but it was a close call. My husband had the phone in his hand while we were waiting for the meds to work. He didn’t sleep at all last night. Up and down checking on us all night and now he has to work all day. I hope he has time to take a lunch break today. A power nap would help.

I didn’t think that our morning sessions were helping. He says they are. Less time on the computer and wallowing in depression. More time working with the kids and getting things done. I have noticed that FB is getting much less attention from me. This morning, the swats were even harder than yesterdays. I squeaked out loud. OOPS. That I why I have a pillow in hand but it didn’t get used. He didn’t go easy for the rest of the swats. Kept right on going until he was satisfied that I would get out of bed today. Talk about motivation. If this is how a preventative spanking feels, I know I DO NOT want punishment. My back side still feels every swat. Ouch. I don’t usually mind the cherry paddle but he used it to great effect.

Lesson of the day: A major medical crisis will delay a longer motivational spanking but hives will not get me out of our morning sessions.

Lesson 2: He is looking for improvement not a 100% turnaround in one day. He is HOH not a dictator.

Good news: I got done what I needed to yesterday. The living room still looks like a rubber maid explosion but I reached my sewing goal for the day. I have set a new goal for today. Lets see how it goes. I have high hopes. I love My Dragon so much. He knows just what I need, even when I don’t.

1 comment:

  1. good I'm glad it's coming together for u..it is us too..o LT can't pick something up without thinking this will work...u will have to check out my blog later..I'm gonna try post it tomorrow...good laughs
