Monday, September 25, 2017

In The News

More NFL players are taking a knee.  Why?  I honestly don't think most of them understand why they are doing it.  Team solidarity for one.

I think they need to pay attention to their fans.  You know.  The people who buy expensive tickets and over priced merchandise.  I honestly don't care what Trump has to say about it but apparently some people are having a complete melt down over it.
Just take a look at You Tube and you will see what real people think about it.  The news only tells the story they want you to hear.

And then you have one lone player that stands while his team hides in the locker room.
I think the fans have spoken.  We enjoy our freedoms that are protected by the Bill of Rights.  The football stars can kneel and the fans can stay home.

What do you think?


  1. First of all, I find it disrespectful to our country and military. That being said, my grandfather, uncle, dad and brother fought so those people have the freedom to voice their opinion. However, when they hit that field, they are on the clock and are being paid (huge bucks I might add) to entertain me. I don't care what their political opinion is but it has no place in the sport. How would they like to sit at a restaurant and before the waitress served them, they had to listen to her political opinion? Same goes for the blasted 'entertainers' and their awards shows. Personal opinions, politics and religion do not belong in the workplace. Of course, my opinion and $1 might give you a cheap cup of coffee or a small soda, Rose. :)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

  2. Cat. All it is, is grandstanding. They aren't trying to change anything. They don't have a purpose other than pouting. They aren't starting letter writing campaigns to change policies. They aren't asking for any chance. Just shouting, "I'm angry!" Pointless. No. NFL in my house. I think their pay checks will reflect how Americans feel about taking a knee.
